Take Control Today

Book an appointment and start your journey towards better health.

Booking FAQs

A few frequently asked questions about the appintment booking process. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.

What can I expect from follow-up nutrition counseling appointments?

Follow-up appointments are when we begin implementing a plan to address your primary nutrition concerns and goals identified from the initial assessment. Here are some examples of what might occur during a follow-up: 

  • Addressing food and nutrition myths
  • Creating short-term goals
  • Identifying barriers to meeting goals
  • Skill building to create health-promoting behaviors
  • Connecting to resources
  • Reviewing food intake and recommendations
What can I expect from an initial nutrition counseling appointment?

During your initial assessment, we will cover the following areas:

  • Primary nutrition concerns and goals
  • Food, nutrition, and body-related questions
  • Past medical history
  • Medications & supplements
  • Food intake (preferences, allergies, intolerances, restrictions)
  • Gastrointestinal health
  • Recent lab results, if available
  • Physical activity history
  • Diet history (eating out frequency, meal prep and planning, thoughts, and patterns about food, nutrition, and body)
How long are appointments?

Initial assessments are typically 90 minutes.

Follow-up appointments are typically 60 minutes or less.

What if I live outside of Oregon, can I still be a patient of Modern Nutrition NW?

Yes, the following states are available to scheduled telehealth appointments for clients living outside Oregon: 

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Michigan
  • New Jersey
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Wisconsin
Do you offer telehealth and in-office appointments?

Yes, Modern Nutrition NW offers both in-office and telehealth appointments. In-office appointments are located in Oregon City, OR.